Holidays and Vacations:
Advanced Integration

Policy 570.30

Policy Statement

Students are provided vacation during the Advanced Integration Level. As part of the curriculum level checklist, students may request up to two additional holidays of personal significance (per the UVM Interfaith Calendar and/or UVM Administrative Closures).

Policy Elaboration

Holidays are observed in accordance with the standard practice of the clinical service on which the student is assigned. Students are expected to participate in clinical duties if they are enrolled in an acting internship, required course, or elective with patient care expectations during the holiday.

  1. Course Directors must make expectations regarding attendance and clinical/call duties during holidays explicit on or prior to the first day of the rotation.
  2. Students in the Advanced Integration Level are allotted a limited number of discretionary vacation weeks based on curriculum dates which they may schedule subject to compliance with the Attendance Policy. Generally, about a month of vacation is taken for residency interviewing. Excluding class-wide “gap weeks” as published on the academic year calendar for each class, students must schedule vacation weeks to account for any week when they are not enrolled in courses.
  3. Students may schedule up to four weeks for USMLE Step 2 CK Exam preparation for credit. The study month is an elective that may only be scheduled prior to taking the Step 2 CK Exam. Students who choose not to enroll in a study month do not receive additional vacation time.
  4. Students are responsible for maintaining an accurate and current schedule in the online scheduling system. Advanced Integration Level rotations are generally scheduled in four-week blocks within each month. Approval for variations, such as one- or three-week rotations, is rarely granted without extenuating circumstances. Students must first get permission from the Course Director, then obtain permission from the Associate Dean for Students. In general, approval is limited to Scholarly Project, research, or reading electives.
  5. Leaves of absence are not covered by this policy statement. Students seeking such leave should review the Leave of Absence policy and must consult with the Associate/Assistant Dean for Students. Taking a leave of absence could delay a student’s graduation date.

Applicability of the Policy

Advanced Integration Level Students

Related Larner College of Medicine Policies

Related University of Vermont Policies

Not Applicable

Related Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) Standard(s)

  • 6.3 Self-Directed and Life-Long Learning
  • 8.8 Monitoring Time


  • 7/16/2013 Policy Adopted/Affirmed [Medical Curriculum Committee]
  • 3/21/2017 Policy Edited [Medical Curriculum Committee]
  • 3/17/2020 Reformatted [Medical Curriculum Committee]
  • 10/20/2020 Revised [Medical Curriculum Committee]
  • 2/16/2021 Policy Edited [Medical Curriculum Committee]
  • 9/18/2023 Policy Revised [Medical Curriculum Committee]
  • 1/21/2025 Policy Revised [Medical Curriculum Committee]

Policy Oversight

Assistant Dean for Advanced Integration

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